• Српски језик
  • Српски језик

World-renowned psychiatrist, Academician Professor Dušica Lečić Toševski, available for patient care

According to the World Health Organization, mental disorders are a growing issue of our time and rank among the leading causes of disability worldwide, with depression being one of the main causes of global disability.

The situation is similar in our country. However, there are certain specificities here, due to chronic and prolonged stress we have been exposed to (war in the surrounding areas, UN sanctions, bombardment, social transition). The consequences of this stress are numerous and manifest in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, psychosomatic illnesses, delinquency, aggression and violence, substance abuse, says Academician Professor Dušica Lečić Toševski. She is a regular member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SANU, and her biography is truly impressive. The name Dušica Lečić Toševski is respected in the world of psychiatry, and we are truly proud to have her as part of our team.

Professor Dušica Lečić Toševski will conduct psychotherapy sessions with patients at the location Neznanog junaka 15, at the Special Hospital PULS DEDINJE.


When should you consider psychotherapy?

Because of many misconceptions about psychotherapy, you might not be willing to try it out. Even if you know what the truths and myths are, you might feel nervous and unsure how to take the first step. Feeling depressed, anxious, or angry is very difficult for every individual, and overcoming these feelings, disorders, and nervousness is truly worth the effort. That’s because psychotherapy can help at any time when your quality of life is not what you want it to be.

Some people seek psychotherapy because they have felt depressed, anxious, or angry for a long time. Others may want help for a chronic illness that is interfering with their emotional or physical well-being. Individuals may have short-term problems to manage. For example, they may be going through a divorce, facing an empty nest, feeling overwhelmed by a new job, or grieving a family member’s death.

Signs that you could benefit from psychotherapy:

  • You feel an overwhelming, prolonged sense of helplessness and sadness
  • Your problems don’t seem to get better despite your efforts and help from family and friends
  • It’s hard for you to concentrate on work tasks or carry out other daily activities
  • You worry excessively, expect the worst, or are constantly on edge
  • Your actions, such as drinking too much alcohol, using drugs, or being aggressive, harm you or others



Psychotherapy can be beneficial for several reasons

1.Improvement of mental health

Psychotherapy provides a safe space where individuals can address their emotional issues, confront traumas, and develop strategies to enhance their mental health. This can result in reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental disorders.

2.Enhancement of quality of life

Working through personal challenges and issues in therapy can lead to improvements in quality of life. Individuals who undergo therapy often report better functioning in their daily lives, improved relationships, and a greater sense of satisfaction.

3.Understanding oneself and others

Psychotherapy helps people better understand themselves, their behavior patterns, motivations, and emotional reactions. It can also aid in understanding other people and improving interpersonal relationships.

4.Development of better coping strategies

Therapy provides tools and strategies for managing stress, facing challenges, and solving problems in constructive ways. This can help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms for life’s challenges.

5.Prevention of relapse

Psychotherapy can help prevent the recurrence of symptoms of mental disorders or problems by empowering individuals and giving them tools for self-help.

6.Support in crisis situations

Therapists can provide support to individuals and families during difficult times such as loss of a loved one, divorce, illness, or other crises.

7.Empowerment for personal growth and development

Psychotherapy can serve as a tool for personal growth and development, enabling individuals to realize their full potential and live a more fulfilling life.

Psychotherapy is beneficial because it provides support to individuals and families in facing various challenges, improves their mental health and quality of life, and helps them in personal growth and development.


What types of psychotherapy does Academician Professor Dušica Lečić Toševski practice?

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on addressing issues and improving the relationship between partners. This type of therapy typically involves a therapist working with both partners together, helping them understand the dynamics of their relationship, identifying patterns of behavior and communication that may be harmful or unhealthy, and providing tools and strategies to change these patterns.

Couples therapy is recommended for:

  • Couples who are not yet married or living together.
  • During the first years of living together.
  • Couples with young children.
  • Couples with school-aged children.
  • Couples with adolescents.
  • Couples with adult children who have left home.
  • Same-sex couples who may face difficulties in their development due to various social influences.

Each of the mentioned phases carries predictable (such as a child starting school) and unpredictable (such as the sudden death of a family member) life events that can affect the dynamics of the couple’s functioning or the development of problems in the partnership. Themes vary depending on the phase of the couple’s life cycle. For example, for couples with children who have left home, as well as for couples with school-aged children who are busy with their activities, the theme will be returning to partnership, as parental roles are no longer as demanding. Partners who have neglected their relationship and dedicated themselves to parental roles may experience different crises in such phases.

Couples therapy can be used for various purposes, including:

Conflict resolution: The therapist helps couples identify and resolve conflicts that may be present in their relationship.

Improving communication: The therapist can work with couples to improve their communication to reduce misunderstandings and improve understanding.

Building trust: If there is a lack of trust in the relationship, the therapist can help couples work on rebuilding trust and strengthening their bond.

Stress management: Couples therapy can provide tools for managing stress and everyday challenges that may affect the relationship.

Working on intimacy: The therapist can work with couples to improve emotional and sexual intimacy in their relationship.

Couples therapy can be beneficial for couples facing any number of issues in their relationship, from minor disagreements to more serious issues such as infidelity or communication problems. This form of therapy provides a safe and supportive space where couples can work on improving their relationship under the guidance of an experienced therapist.


Family Psychotherapy

Family psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the dynamics and interactions within the family system as a fundamental factor in understanding and resolving issues. This form of therapy recognizes that individual problems often stem from the dynamics of the family system and are therefore treated as issues requiring intervention at the family level.

In family psychotherapy, family members are typically treated as a whole, and the therapist works with the entire family together to understand their interpersonal relationships, communication patterns, roles, and power dynamics. The goal is to create a safe and supportive space where family members can openly discuss their feelings, needs, and problems.

Family psychotherapy can be used for various purposes, including:

Resolving family conflicts: The therapist helps the family understand and resolve conflicts present within the family system.

Improving communication: The focus is on improving communication within the family to reduce misunderstandings and enhance understanding among members.

Maintaining boundaries and roles: The therapist can work with the family to understand and maintain healthy boundaries and roles within the family system.

Addressing behavioral issues in children: Family therapy can be useful in addressing behavioral issues in children, as well as providing support to parents in developing effective parenting strategies.

Support in crisis situations: Family therapy can provide support to the family during times of crisis, such as loss of a loved one, divorce, or illness.

Family psychotherapy typically involves regular sessions held with the aim of achieving goals set by the family members with the support of the therapist. This form of therapy can be particularly beneficial for families facing complex issues or changes within the family system.


Individual Psychotherapy

Individual psychotherapy is a form of therapy in which the therapist works with an individual one-on-one to understand and address emotional, mental, or interpersonal issues. In this form of therapy, the individual has the opportunity to talk about their problems, feelings, thoughts, and experiences with the therapist, who provides support, understanding, and expertise in dealing with these issues.

The goals of individual psychotherapy may vary depending on the individual’s needs, but some common objectives include:

  • Understanding problems: Assisting the individual in better understanding their emotional reactions, thoughts, and behaviors and how these factors can impact their well-being.
  • Problem-solving: Working on identifying and resolving specific problems or symptoms the individual is facing, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, or relationship issues.
  • Development of personal tools and resources: Helping the individual develop new coping strategies, self-esteem, self-confidence, and other skills that will assist them in managing life’s challenges.
  • Empowerment of the individual: Encouraging the individual to take responsibility for their own emotional and mental growth and supporting the process of self-change and personal development.
  • Providing support: Offering emotional support to the individual as they navigate difficult situations or emotional challenges.

Individual psychotherapy can be conducted through various therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, problem-solving therapy, and others. It is important for the therapist to tailor the therapy to the needs and goals of each individual to achieve the best possible outcome.


How to find a good psychotherapist?

In couples therapy, family therapy, as well as in individual therapy, the relationship between the therapist and the client is crucial, so it is important to find a therapist who is competent, whose approach suits you—but who is also willing to question the beliefs or behaviors of any partner when necessary. Before choosing who to work with, it is wise to consider a consultation interview with one or more therapists, who should be willing to answer all your questions about therapy and address your concerns to your satisfaction.

Psychiatrists / Psychotherapists are licensed mental health professionals—with a master’s or doctoral degree in medicine, psychiatry, psychology, counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy. They are not only well-trained in various psychotherapeutic modalities but also have specific academic education in relationship science and family systems, as well as supervised clinical education in interpersonal dynamics. Choosing a therapist who has experience with clients facing similar problems to yours can expedite the therapeutic process, so it is advisable to ask a potential therapist about their training and how they approach clients with problems like yours.

You can schedule your psychotherapy session with Professor Dušica Lečić Toševski by calling our call center at 011755500 or 066 6555000.

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Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje