• Српски језик
  • Српски језик

MD Danijela Leković MSc, PhD

MD Danijela Leković MSc, PhD



Specific professional orientation:

Doctor Danijela Leković is a specialist in internal medicine, subspecializing in hematology, heading the Department of Hematology at the University Clinical Center in Belgrade. MD. Danijela Lečić’s specific areas of interest are myeloproliferative neoplasms, thrombophilias, and hemostasis disorders, as well as non-malignant hematologic disorders. She conducts hematological examinations at the PULS DEDINJE Special Hospital.



  • 2014-2019: Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Hematology subspecialist
  • 2008-2012: Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Specialist in Internal Medicine
  • 2012-2016: Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Hematology – Doctorate
  • 2009: Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Hematology – Master’s degree
  • 2003: Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Undergraduate studies



  • Since 2006: Employed at the Department of Hematology, University Clinical Center of Serbia
  • Since April 2022: Head of the Hematology Department at the Department of Hematology, University Clinical Center of Serbia
  • 2001: One-month professional training at the Sklifosovska Clinical Center in Moscow, as part of an exchange program for top students organized by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2015: Study visit to the Hemophilia “Comprehensive Care” Center and the Hemostasis Disorders Center, Manchester Royal Infirmary Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom.


Academic career:

  • 2014: Clinical Assistant, Internal Medicine subject, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2022: Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine subject, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade


Achievements and awards:

  • 2011, 2013, and 2014: Awarded poster presentations by the European Hematology Association (EHA grant)
  • 2011: Awarded poster presentation at the Congress of Hematologists of Serbia, Belgrade.
  • 2019: Certificate of Appreciation from the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Medical Society for a lecture delivered at the 15th MPN/MPNr EURONET Congress.



Dr. Danijela Leković is the author and co-author of over 120 scientific papers, one book chapter, and two medical guides (one on myeloproliferative neoplasms, the other on thrombophilia testing).



  • Serbian Medical Society
  • Hematology Association of Serbia
  • European Hematology Association
  • International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Working Group
  • TEMPI Working Group


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Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje