• Српски језик
  • Српски језик

Dr Momčilo Moma Jakovljević

Dr Momčilo Moma Jakovljević

General surgeon

General surgeon

Specific professional orientation:

Doctor Momčilo Moma Jakovljević is well-known surgeon, forensic expert, and the
physician of the “Partizan” basketball team, who once tried his hand on the fashion
runway. And now, even in his 70s, he continues to work with so much energy and
  • General Surgery specialist
  • Forensic expert
  • Physician at “Partizan” basketball club
  • Deputy Director for Medical Affairs – Clinical Hospital Center “Dragiša


  • Elementary school “Pera Popović Aga”
  • First Belgrade Gymnasium
  • Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade – Undergraduate studies
  • Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade – Specialization in General Surgery

Working experience:

KBC Dragiša Mišović – Deputy Director for Medical Affairs


Member of the Serbian Medical Society – SLD


011 7555 000


Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje