• Српски језик
  • Српски језик

Dr Jesenka Grebenarović

Dr Jesenka Grebenarović



Specific professional orientation:

Dr. Jesenka Grebenarović is a radiology specialist with over 20 years of work
experience. She has gained her extensive professional experience through work in
both public and private institutions.
After completing her specialization studies, she completed ultrasound and scanner
school. In her daily practice, she performs breast ultrasound, soft tissue
ultrasound, and thyroid ultrasound.
She actively participates in domestic and international congresses to further
enhance her skills and knowledge.

Dr Jesenka Grebenarebić can be scheduled for the
following examinations:

  • Ultrasound (abdomen, breast, soft tissues, thyroid gland, testicles)
  • Ultrasound examinations at home
  • Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels in the arms, legs, and neck
  • Interpretation of X-ray images and CT scans


  • 1982 – Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade – Undergraduate studies
  • 1990 – Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade – Specialization studies
  • 1993 – Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade – CT Scanner School
  • 1989 – Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade – Ultrasound School

Working experience:

  • 1987 – 2021 – Clinical Center “Zvezdara” – Specialist in Radiology
  • 2001 – Institute for Orthopedics and Surgical Diseases “Banjica” – Head of Department
  • 2001 – Works in several private clinics and hospitals as a specialist in


Member of the Serbian Medical Society – SLD


011 7555 000


Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje