• Српски језик
  • Српски језик

Dr. Dejan Kojić

Dr. Dejan Kojić



Specific Professional Orientation:

Doctor Dejan Kojić is a urology specialist employed at the Clinical Hospital Center “Dr. Dragiša Mišović” in Dedinje, holding the position of the head of the intensive and semi-intensive care unit.

He pays special attention to prostate cancer and the application of laparoscopic treatment for urogenital tract diseases. He participated in a Course on Reconstructive Urogenital Surgery in men and women. Dr. Kojić furthered his expertise in robotic laparoscopic surgery in urology in Germany.

Special areas of interest for Dr. Dejan Kojić include:

  • Urogenital surgery
  • General urology
  • Laparoscopic surgery in urology
  • Urological oncology


As a student, he participated in numerous European conferences for young doctors and students. In Spain, he completed courses organized by the European School of Urology. He has been an attendee at various domestic and international urological congresses and conferences organized by the Urology Section of the Serbian Medical Society (SLD). Additionally, he is an author and co-author of several professional papers.



1989 – 1997 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Undergraduate studies

1998 – 2004 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Urology specialization

1998 – 2010 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Postgraduate studies


Work Experience:

  • Since 1997 – Clinical Hospital Center “Dr. Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje” – Clinic for Urology, urology specialist
  • Clinic for Urology – Head of the Intensive and Semi-intensive Care Unit, Doctor of Medicine – Specialist Master
  • Since 2024 – Puls Dedinje – Urology Specialist, Consultant



Serbian Medical Society – Member


011 7555 000


Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje