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  • Српски језик

Clinical Assistant MD Milica Kravljača

Clinical Assistant MD Milica Kravljača



Specific Professional Orientation:

Dr. Milica Kravljača is a specialist in internal medicine and subspecialist in nephrology. She works at the University Clinical Center of Serbia.



  • 2019 – Doctoral studies in nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade. Defended doctoral dissertation on April 24, 2019, entitled “The Influence of MDR1 Gene Polymorphisms on the Metabolism of Calcineurin Inhibitors and Kidney Transplant Function”
  • 2018 – Specialization studies in nephrology
  • 2017 – Specialization in Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2013 – Academic specialization studies in nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2008 – Bachelor studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade



  • 2023 – Puls Cardiology Center – Nephrologist
  • 2010-present: Clinic of Nephrology, University Clinical Center of Serbia – Nephrologist
  • 2017 – Specialist in Internal Medicine, Clinic of Nephrology, University Clinical Center of Serbia
  • 2014-2017 – Assistant Coordinator for Organ Transplantation, University Clinical Center of Serbia
  • 2013-2014 – Deputy Coordinator for Organ Transplantation, University Clinical Center of Serbia


Elections to academic and scientific titles, pedagogical and mentoring work:

  • 2018 – Elected to the position of Clinical Assistant Professor in the field of internal medicine – nephrology
  • 2019, 2021 – Member of the commission for defending doctoral thesis
  • 2021, 2022, and 2023 – Student work mentor, member of the symposium committee of the Medical Faculty Congress in Belgrade


Training and Development:

  • 2022 – Visiting Physician, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
  • 2014 – Preceptorship Program “Excellence Preceptorship Programme,” Fundacion Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2012 – “Fabry School 2012,” General Hospital Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia


Invited Speaker at International Conferences:

2016 – “2nd Astellas SEE Transplantation Day” within the “3rd Croatian Transplantation School”

2023 – BANTAO 2023


Awards and Recognitions:

  • 2014 – First prize at the Third Congress of Nephrologists of Serbia
  • 2013 – Award from the American Transplant Congress for poster presentation among the top ten in the field
  • 2010 – First prize at the First Congress of Nephrologists of Serbia for oral presentation by authors under 35 years old



  • Serbian Medical Society
  • Nephrologists’ Association of Serbia


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Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje