• Српски језик
  • Српски језик

Clin asst dr Jelena Stanarčić Gajović

Clin asst dr Jelena Stanarčić Gajović



Specific professional orientation:

Jelena Stanarčić Gajović is a subspecialist in endocrinology at the Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, at University of the Clinical Center of Serbia and a clinical assistant at the Faculty of Medicine, at University of Belgrade. So far, she was the author or co-author of 148 published works in the field of diabetology.

She participated as a research associate in domestic and international projects in the field of diabetes and cardiovascular complications. Sphere of interest are diabetes and cardiovascular complications, insulin resistance as a phenomenon and influence on the development of depression and cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetes.



2021. Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, sub-specialization – Endocrinology

2019. Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Internal medicine specialist

2015. University of Belgrade – preparation of the doctoral dissertation topic entitled “Analysis of the relationship between insulin resistance and depression in type 2 diabetes”, dissertation in progress

2012. Doctoral studies in the field of Endocrinology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade

2009. Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Doctor of Medicine


Working eexperience:

2021. Clinic for endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic diseases, University Clinical Center  of Serbia – Endocrinologist

2019. Clinic for endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic diseases, University Clinical Center  of Serbia – Internal medicine specialist

2014 – 2019. Clinic for endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic diseases, University Clinical Center  of Serbia, – Internal medicine resident

2013 – 2014 Doctor of Medicine Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, University Clinical Center  of Serbia, – Doctor of Medicine

2011-2013 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – research associate on the implementation of the project entitled “Insulin resistance: Comparison of the role in the onset and development of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerotic vascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases”, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development


Scientific titles:

2020 – Clinical assistant – Internal medicine


Research, Training, Improvements:

2022 – NEW CEMA Diabetes Training Center Cracow, Poland, Modern insulin pump therapy in everyday practice

2015 – Diabetes Training Center for insulin pump therapy, Center for Diabetes and Metabolism – Fachklinik – Bad Heilbrunn (Germany)

Since 2011, she has participated as a research associate in 20 clinical studies in the field of diabetology.

Since 2013, she works as research associate in the international project, FP7 called “Early Prevention of Diabetes Complications in Europe (ePREDICE)”, since 2017 in the project “Genetic diagnosis of atypical non-autoimmune diabetes in the Mediterranean area” of the Mediterranean Group for Diabetes Studies (MGSD), as well as the “European survey of cardiovascular disease prevention and diabetes EUROSPIRE V”, 2017-2018, sponsored by the European Society of Cardiology. Also, as a research associate in the international project CHRODIS + WP7 EU project “Implementing good practices for chronic diseases” since 2017.



So far, she has been the author or co-author of 148 published works, published as original works in extenso in journals from the JCR list (12); other works in journals from the JCR list (14); full paper in a journal not indexed in the above databases (4); extract in the proceedings of the international meeting (42); extract in the proceedings of the national meeting (76).



• Endocrinology Section of the Serbian Medical Association,

• European Association for Studies in Diabetes (EASD),

• Central European Diabetes Association (CEDA)


011 7555 000


Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje