• Српски језик
  • Српски језик

Ass dr Zlatko Mehmedbegović

Ass dr Zlatko Mehmedbegović

Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiologist

Interventional Cardiologist

Specific professional orientation:

Assistant Dr. Zlatko Mehmedbegović is a specialist in internal medicine with subspecialization in cardiology and extensive experience in the field of interventional cardiology. Dr. Mehmedbegović has gained experience working in both state and private hospitals in the country, treating patients with cardiovascular diseases. He actively participates in conferences and educational programs both within the country and abroad. Dr. Zlatko Mehmedbegović is also an assistant at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade.

At the Pulse Cardiology Center, Ass Dr. Zlatko Mehmedbegović performs the following procedures:

  • Emergency cardiological procedures
  • Coronary angiography
  • Stent implantation



Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Undergraduate studies.

Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Doctoral studies in cardiology.

Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Specialization in internal medicine.



2023 – Pulse Cardiology Center – Interventional Cardiologist

Cardiology Clinic, Clinical Center of Serbia – Cardiologist

Internal Cardiology Practice Medisin – Cardiologist

Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Clinical Assistant



Medical Chamber of Serbia

Association of Coronary Units of Serbia

Association of Cardiologists of Serbia


011 7555 000


Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje