• Српски језик
  • Српски језик

Ass dr Srđan Aleksandrić

Ass dr Srđan Aleksandrić

Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiologist

Interventional Cardiologist

Specific professional orientation:

Doctor Srđan Aleksandrić is a specialist in internal medicine, subspecialist in cardiology, and interventional cardiologist. He has years of experience in cardiology, working in both private and public institutions, and has performed a significant number of interventions in the Cath-lab – catheterization room. He continuously enhances his expertise by attending conferences and congresses both in the country and abroad. He is the recipient of numerous awards and is a member of several domestic and international medical associations.

Assistant Dr. Srđan Aleksandrić at the Pulse Cardiology Center provides the following services:

  • Cardiological examination
  • ECG (Electrocardiogram)
  • Heart ultrasound
  • Interventional cardiological procedures



Undergraduate studies.

Specialization in internal medicine.

Subspecialization in cardiology.


Work Experience:

2023 – Pulse Cardiology Center -Interventional Cardiologist

Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine.



Serbian Medical Society

Medical Chamber of Serbia


011 7555 000


Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje