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Ass Dr Milorad Tešić

dr milorad tesic

Ass Dr Milorad Tešić

Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiologist

Interventional Cardiologist

Specific professional orientation:

Assistant Professor Dr. Milorad Tešić is an internist with a subspecialization in cardiology. His specific area of interest is interventional and non-invasive cardiology.

Doctor Milorad Tešić has gained his professional experience through work in both private and public institutions in Serbia. He completed his doctoral studies at the Medical Faculty in Belgrade, where he is currently an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine.

He actively continues to improve his skills by participating in domestic and international congresses. Dr. Tešić is a member of several domestic associations. Currently, he is working in Belgrade at the Department of Invasive Diagnostics at the Clinical Center of Serbia.


Assistant Professor Dr. Milorad Tešić at the Pulse Cardiology Center performs the following examinations:

  • Cardiological examination
  • Echocardiography – ECHO of the heart (heart ultrasound)
  • ECG of the heart
  • Diagnostic of cardiological diseases
  • Interventional cardiological procedures



  • Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Undergraduate studies.
  • Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Specialization.
  • Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade – Doctoral studies.


011 7555 000


Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje